Saturday, October 16, 2010


Peale kohtumisi vajalike inimestega sõitsime Soddosse, linna kus Jumala tahtel peaks tulevikus asuma kool mille rajajateks oleks just need, kes armastuse ja hoolimise kaudu tahaksid seda kõike jagada ka Soddo lastega.
Meil on aega Sodos nadal, et korraldada jaanuaris algavaks ehituseks elamine, toitlustamine ja vajalikud paberid.
Harjumuspäraselt järgmiste päevade plaanide ülesmärkimine tundub siin kuidagi naljaks. Teeme seda siiski vanast harjumusest. Ometi selgub juba teisel päeval, et see pole garantii, et need asjad tehtud saavad mida kirja panime. See ei tähenda, et midagi jääb tegemata. Lihtsalt ajalised märkmed ei kehti siin selliselt kui Euroopas. Siin pole vaja ühest kohast teise joosta, sest keegi seal sind iial kokkulepitud ajal ei oota. Selgub, et meie kokkusaamiseid tuleb mitmeid kordi täpsustada ja vajalik seltsimees leitakse meie tungivate helistamiste peale siiski kuskilt lõunalt voi koosolekult. Igal kohtumisel on alati keegi väga innustunud tegelane valmis kõigeks aga kahjuks on selle lubaduse taga meie nahavärv ja lootus saada sellist tasu, mis meilegi tundub õudustäratav. Sellele järgneb alati selgitus, et neil pole loota mingit summat oma töö eest mis neil on riigi poolt juba maksustatud. Oleme küll Aafrikas aga endised ajad Nõukogude päevilt oleks kui tagasipöördunud. Kuid nendest kogemustest on kasu, sest järjekindlus viib sihile ja hirm, et midagi jääb tegemata on asjatu. Kõik kuidagi sujub ja igal päeval on juhusel ääretu võlu. Lõpuks tundub, et see euroopalik planeerimine on täiesti mõttetu, sest Jumal teab täpselt mis paberit ja kohtumist millisel päeval vaja. Iga päeva lõppedes oleme ääretult rahul ja ootame suure huviga oma järgmise päeva spontaansete õnnestumiste järjekorda.
Tänaseks päevaks oleme leidnud elamiseks aiaga majakese Soddo keskuses ja kohalikud töölised vundamendi kaevamiseks. Arutluste tulemusel ehitusinseneri ja projektijuhiga leidsime, et võimalusel kaasame ka kohalikku tööjõudu. Ka ehitusluba mida hetkel veel kohalike valimiste tõttu pole, on poolel teel J

After meeting some people, we went to Soddo, to the city where by the will of God a schoolhouse will be built by  those who through love and care want to share it all with the children of Soddo. We have  a week in Soddo to arrange the accomodation, catering and some important papers for the building.
Here in Africa it seems a bit funny to write down plans for tomorrow in the calendar. We do it from the old habbit. But on the second day we discover that there's no garantee we get done all we have planned. But this doesn't mean something will be left undone. It's just that the Europan time doesn't matter here. Here we have no need to run from one meeting to another, because no one is waiting for you at the exact time anyway! Turns out that we have to replan our meetings for many times and yet we find the needed people from having lunch or being on another meeting. On every meeting there's someone who is very enthusiastic about our plans, but unfortunatelly behind those promises is our skin colour and a hope to get paid an amount of money that seems enourmous even for us. This is always followed by explanations that they have no hope for money from us because they are already paid by goverment for their job!
We are in Africa but sometimes it seems that Soviet Union times have returned. But those experiences are useful, because the persistency takes us to our goal and the fear that something will not be done is useless. All things work out anyway and this has its charm. Finally it seems that the European planning is pointless, because God knows what meeting needs to take place or what paper we need on what day anyway. By the end of every day, we are very pleased and waiting with excitement to see what will happen spontanously the next day.
By today we have found for us a house with a little garden just in the Soddo centre and local workers for digging the hole for the foundation of the schoolhouse. We discussed with the project's leader and an engineer that if possible we would include local workers too. We have not received the permission to start building because of the elections, but it’s on it’s way J

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