Monday, October 11, 2010



Olles veetnud terve kuu lapsi õpetades Data Sana koolis tundus meile et võiksime teha midagi veel peale õpetamise. Saime teada, et juba 2 aastat oli pool kooli sisetöödest lõpetamata. Uurides lähemalt põhjuseid selgus, et vajalikku oskustööjõudu ja ehituse järelvalvet on peaaegu võimatu leida. Vestlesime sellest kooli omanikuga, kes elab Ameerikas.  Ta rõõmustas väga meie kooli ehituse lõpetamise soovi üle. Selgus et ka pool vajalikest materjalidest on juba olemas. Tegime vajalikud kalkulatsioonid ja selgus, et pooleli olevate ruumide: saal, arvutiklass, õpetajate toad, valmis tegemiseks on vaja osta ca 230 EUR-i eest värvi ja töövahendeid. Meil oli  Tallinnast lahkudes vabatahtlike annetajate raha ca 430 EUR-i millest pool olime kasutanud inglise keele õpikute ostmiseks. Otsustasime ülejäänud raha kasutada puuduvate värvide ostuks ja alustada pooleliolevate sisetööde lõpetamisega. Reaalsete arvutuste järel tundus, et max 10 päeva ja kasutada saab tervet koolimaja. Paludes kõiges Jumalal juhtimist jõudsime nädal enne Eestisse tagasitulemist töödega valmis. Koolimaja ehituse lõpetamine oli aeg mis andis meile jõudu ja rahulolu. Saime igal päeval täidetud ja puhkamise asemel külastasime veel teisigi koole. Meil oli soov siia kindlasti tagasi tulla. Soovisime kindlasti siinse hariduse edendamiseks midagi ette võtta. Leidsime Soddo kesklinnast kooli mille õppesüsteemiga tutvudes tundus see väga paljutõotav. Vähemalt oli selles meie kultuurile sarnaseid jooni ja see oli väga õpilasekeskne. Direktor oli selles koolis välja töötanud õppeprogrammi mis kohalikus linnas on väga tunnustatud. Õppetöö käib inglise keeles juba alates esimesest klassist. Kool proovib lapsevanemaid igati kaasata lapse hariduse arengusse, lastes neil täita teste lapse arengu kohta, mis ei ole siinses koolisüsteemis veel tavaline nähtus. Tutvudes kooli direktoriga selgus, et kooli omanik on 29-aastane etiooplane kes oli valitud 2010.aastal Soddo linna parimaks nooreks haridusse investeerijaks.
Lähemalt tutvudes selle noore inimese haridusse panustamisega oli meil selge vastus küsimusele miks just Oxnard Academy?
Kõik see mida Etioopias ühiselt kogesime oli midagi, mis meid sundis ja motiveeris. See oli rahulolu andmisest ühel uskumatult kaunil maal, kus inimesed tunnevad Jumalat ja on väga sõbralikult. Nad suhtuvad lugupidavalt võõrasse kultuuri ja ootavad siira südamega tagasi igat külalist.

After we had spent a month in Data Sana Memorial School teaching children, we thought we could do more than teaching. We found out that the interior works of the administrative part of the building were unfinished for 2 years. Trying to find out the reasons, it turned out that it is almost impossible to find skilled labor and building supervisors. We discussed the situation with the school owner, who lives in US and he was excited about us wanting to finish it. It also came out that half of the needed supplies were already in the storage room. We made the calculations and it turned out that finishing the hall, computer class and the teacher’s office required paint and tools for about 230 EUR. When we left Tallinn we had 430 EUR worth of donations and half of the money we had already used for buying new English textbooks. We decided to use the rest of the money to buy the paint to finish the rooms. Realistic calculations showed that we needed maximum 10 days for the whole school building to be functional. Asking God’s guidance in every step, we finished the work a week before going back to Estonia. That was the time which gave us strength and pleasure. We were filled every day and instead of resting we visited other schools. We had a desire to come back here. We thought of finding a school where we could do something which would give an opportunity to study for more children. From the centre of Soddo we found a school with very promising curriculum. It had similar characteristics to our culture and the school was very student centered. The principal of the school had elaborated a program which is also recognized by the city. The studies are in English already from the 1st grade. The school is also trying to involve the parents in their children’s studies by giving them some tests to fill out, and this is still unusual in this culture. By getting to know the principal we also found out that the school owner is a 29-year old Ethiopian who was noticed by the city to be the best young investor in the education in 2010. Getting to know his work more closely, we knew the answer to why Oxnard Academy?
Everything we experienced in Ethiopia was something that motivated us and made us move. It was the pleasure of giving in an amazingly beautiful country, where people know God and are very friendly. They respect different cultures and sincerely wait back their guests. 

2009 aasta oktoobris oli Andres Ploompuul sooviks minna Aafrikasse vabatahtlikuna inglise keelt õpetama. See oli kutse Jumalalt, mida magistrikraadiõpinguid Inglismaal lõpetades ei saanud kasutamata jätta. Kolme kuu jooksul sai Data Sana Memorial School'i nimeline kool endale Eesti adventistide kokku pandud abist hulgaliselt raamatuid, arvutiklassi, mootorratta, koolikella, printeri, hulgaliselt koopiapaberit, koolilastele kingitusi ning õpetajatele ja töötajatele abi. Andrese tegemistele elasid tema blogi kaudu kaasa paljud. Loe lähemalt

In October 2009 got Andres Ploompuu a desire to go to Africa as a volunteer to teach English. It was a call from God, right after his Master studies in United Kingdom and this could not be rejected. During these three months with the support of the Estonian Seventh Day Adventists received Data Sana Memorial School lot of new books, computer class, motorbike, school bell, printer, piles of copy paper, gifts for the students and help for the teachers. Many were following his work there via (only in Estonian).

Detsembrikuuks 2009 oli selge, et Jumalal oli plaanis saata Soddosse veel 2  huvilist: Merle Voola ja Laura Kangur-i, kes Andrese lahkudes jätkaksid koolis õpetamist. Loe lähemalt
By December 2009 it was clear that God wanted to send to Soddo 2 more people: Merle Voola ja Laura Kangur, who continued teaching in the school after Andres had left. About their work you can read more from

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