Väljas oli juba teist tundi pime aga rahvast polnud ikka veel laua
ääres. Ma ei leia sellele ainsatki muud seletust kui, et ”Töö teeb
Eestis -17 külmas olles on seda raske mõista. Siin aga näib elu ilma
rutiinse tegevuseta hoopis liiga ilus. Mäletan Lauraga esimest korda
Etioopiasse tulles sama tunnet. Lihtsalt ei jõudnud oodata millal
saaks ometi midagi tegema hakata. Kolm päeva oli sisseelamiseks väga
pikk aeg ja kui siis nädal enne Eestisse tulekut saime kooli seest
värvitud, ei olnud vaja sõnu, et väljendada rahulolu.
Hommikul olid kõigil oma tegemised. Filmi mehed tegelesid kooli
filmimisega, ehitajad materjali otsimisega. Ehitusmaterjali hankimine
võrdub siin samaga mis ...........
See oli nii kurnav, et lõunasöögi ajal ei suutnud ma väsimusest
rääkidagi. Taastumine läks ruttu ja nii saime õhtuks seinad lahtisest
Meie aktiivsemad tegemised on ees. Savisegu millega enne värvimist
õppematerjale mida siit kaasa viia, sest ega tegemata ei jää ka neil
midagi. Lihtsalt on nende närvid tühisest muretsemisest terved.
Loomulikult ennast õigustades, on päike see, mis annab neile suure
eelise elustiili erinevuses.
It was the second hour of darkness but no one was at the table. The only explenation I can find for it is that work makes you feel blessed.
If your in Estonia and there is -17 degrees then it's hard to understand it. But here the life with no rutine seems too beautiful. I remember that when we first came here with Laura, I felt the same. I just couldn't wait until I could do something. 3 days to get adapted was a long time and when just a week before coming back to Estonia, we got the interior painted, we had no words to express our satisfaction.
In the morning everybody had their own work. The movie makers were filming the schoolhouse, builders were looking for building matherials. Looking for building matherials herew equals to...
It's so wearying that by lunch i was so tired that i couldn't even talk. But the recovery was fast so by dinner we had cleaned the walls from open clay, we fixed the holes on the road which were full of trash. We also finished painting the main gate and we got good matherial for the film which could be called "To give from your abundance".
The most active part is yet to come. The mixture of clay which we used to fix the walls is mixed by locals. Ethiopians are not like estonians so they don't worry or rush. This is one of our study guides we should take back with us because things don't remain undone here. Just their nerves are not damaged. They have a huge advantage by having more sun.
ääres. Ma ei leia sellele ainsatki muud seletust kui, et ”Töö teeb
Eestis -17 külmas olles on seda raske mõista. Siin aga näib elu ilma
rutiinse tegevuseta hoopis liiga ilus. Mäletan Lauraga esimest korda
Etioopiasse tulles sama tunnet. Lihtsalt ei jõudnud oodata millal
saaks ometi midagi tegema hakata. Kolm päeva oli sisseelamiseks väga
pikk aeg ja kui siis nädal enne Eestisse tulekut saime kooli seest
värvitud, ei olnud vaja sõnu, et väljendada rahulolu.
Hommikul olid kõigil oma tegemised. Filmi mehed tegelesid kooli
filmimisega, ehitajad materjali otsimisega. Ehitusmaterjali hankimine
võrdub siin samaga mis ...........
See oli nii kurnav, et lõunasöögi ajal ei suutnud ma väsimusest
rääkidagi. Taastumine läks ruttu ja nii saime õhtuks seinad lahtisest
savist puhastatud, kooli ees oleva tee selle sodiga aukudest
parandatud, peavärava värvitud ja ka hea materjali filmiks – mille
nimi võiks olla näiteks- „Anda oma küllusest!“Meie aktiivsemad tegemised on ees. Savisegu millega enne värvimist
seinu parandama hakkame segatakse valmis kohalike poolt. Etiooplane
aga ei kiirusta ega muretse nagu eestlane. See on meie põhilisiõppematerjale mida siit kaasa viia, sest ega tegemata ei jää ka neil
midagi. Lihtsalt on nende närvid tühisest muretsemisest terved.
Loomulikult ennast õigustades, on päike see, mis annab neile suure
eelise elustiili erinevuses.
It was the second hour of darkness but no one was at the table. The only explenation I can find for it is that work makes you feel blessed.
If your in Estonia and there is -17 degrees then it's hard to understand it. But here the life with no rutine seems too beautiful. I remember that when we first came here with Laura, I felt the same. I just couldn't wait until I could do something. 3 days to get adapted was a long time and when just a week before coming back to Estonia, we got the interior painted, we had no words to express our satisfaction.
In the morning everybody had their own work. The movie makers were filming the schoolhouse, builders were looking for building matherials. Looking for building matherials herew equals to...
It's so wearying that by lunch i was so tired that i couldn't even talk. But the recovery was fast so by dinner we had cleaned the walls from open clay, we fixed the holes on the road which were full of trash. We also finished painting the main gate and we got good matherial for the film which could be called "To give from your abundance".
The most active part is yet to come. The mixture of clay which we used to fix the walls is mixed by locals. Ethiopians are not like estonians so they don't worry or rush. This is one of our study guides we should take back with us because things don't remain undone here. Just their nerves are not damaged. They have a huge advantage by having more sun.
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